Sunday, 26 June 2011

artist: MUTU
18th June 2011
Duration: 9 hours

Found parking in the city goo me!

I didnt really drink the wine( wanted too). Worst cold at the time.

The View from Mutu's girlfriends Balcony was lovely.


 The Crew for the day.

 Mutu's Girlfriend- She was also hair and makeup.

 Camera Man

 Geting prety over holding a glass of wine and not being able to drink it!

The Director.

 Music Video
artist: Ray Issac
location: the backroom( ladylux)-Kings cross
19th June 2011
duration: 7 hours

 There were some funky characters in this music video.

 The bathroom walls were quite entertaing.


Tim is in Bali at the moment for three weeks, what a lucky duck!He left thursday morning. I miss him lots and its only been 3 nights. Have fun Timmy!

Did you know indonesians eat DOG!!??

I found another poster! A coloured oneee!Hiding behind that " Roadwork Ahead" sign.

Everyone has a ticket but me :(
Ohwell cant relly afford it anyway. Guess I'll hear the stories.

I had to go to the NCIE yesterday for YMCA holliday work training in Redfern. I had a fun day, got a delishious lunch for free and a little goodie bag hehe.

The YMCA has just baught new Jumping castles for all of the centers in Sydney. So excited. I wish we got to have a jump, but they were only up for display.

Pesto Pasta, Spaghetti Bolognaise, Potato Salad, Salad, coleslaw and a bread eyes were deffinatly too big for my tummy.

A new t-shirt to wear to work and aroundd :D it was in the goodie bag..Its like x 20 too big for mee.heehe

Sleep Time.


Icey cold morning.

1 comment:

  1. wow latest posts are soooo interesting, and pictures sooooo good - luv it. Luv pics 10, 11 + 25 can u post them to my fb if you get a chance. I have never heard of that guy MUTU is his music good? His gf is georgeous xx So cool u did training at the Redfern Centre, that whole suburb is gunna end up pretty much the place to be for lots of reasons - Indigenous dance etc. etc, and the place you went to - I been watching heaps of stuff about Redfern on tv over the last year or so - all reeeeeely good stuff. xxx
