Saturday, 30 April 2011

Another wet one!

Another rainy saturday and not much to do. 
Maybe a little bit of online shopping, I have some spare money the tattoo :D

Wake up time-9:00am
Bed Hair

I slept with gladwrap on my tattoo last night. Owww I didnt like it, ive never done it before! It was all sticky and wet in the morning and felt sorta ouchy..took some fresh photos after we took our wrap off.

 I originally got the idea from an old coathanger from the 70's. Lucky me finding it.

Purchased these this morning.
LEE jeans- $16 BARGIN!

I think it's time to get out of bed and make some breakfast..or should I say LUNCH!!! Time does fly when your having fun....



  1. geez i had a pair of them in the rag bag from 20yrs ago, could have given u hahahaha nah they great and good bargain

  2. yeah good bargin considering they were $250 when they wernt on sale!!! :)

  3. wow - its so weird too c these cause they wer sooo in fashion bak in the day - but must admit they bit different these days. The bleach patterns on jeans wer sort of more manufacted sort of, like they were mostly of even size and stuff like they had been mass produced all the same sort of. So i think these 1s nicer than they used 2 b x
