Wednesday, 27 April 2011

 What a lovely surprise to see at work this morning.

Nothing too interesting happened! All the kids are back into their winter uniforms and talking non stop about how much chocolate  'the Easter bunny' had brought them very adorable.

I asked Daniella one of my work mates where she got her funky thermos mug thing from, as I’ve been looking for one the past few months..what a surprise she got hers from New York..I am just a little jealous maybe I should just go over there and get one from Disneyland like this.......

Something I made at work today...hoping it will give me some luck!
What the day actually looks like outside..  cloudy and miserable Come on sunnnn!

I just sat down to make myself breakfast/lunch before I head off to the french school in Marubra and I herd a little scratchy scratch scratch....SIMBAA!


  1. you so lucky u got eggi - i had to get a teensy free one from service station on way home from Cobargo - but got home and had the last hot x bun from freezer yumi x

  2. your profile is greeeeeaaaaaat

  3. weeeeeee mmm me take it home and save 4 ever hahahaha
